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Documentation of Early Installation Work by Jamy Sheridan

Each of the works documented here consists of two major components. The visual component is a real-time computer animation projected onto a bed of white sand on the floor in a visually and acoustically isolated space. The audio component, which was generated in real-time but is usually presented on a CD, is synthesized music created by John Dunn and driven by DNA and protein data.  In each work, the audio and visual components relate to each other structurally and conceptually.  The Garden of Initial Conditions is ‘written’ in Wonk, a real-time, direct manipulation performance language for artists.  Wonk was designed by John Dunn with Jamy Sheridan.  All the works shown here were created using software written by John Dunn.  The still images shown here are time exposures  taken at various intervals with the animation paused.


jsrug01a.jpg (38831 bytes)

Tree of Life


Run time: 11 minutes



jsrug05a.jpg (30326 bytes)

Tree of Life

Run time: 11 minutes


jsrug02a.jpg (20881 bytes)


Dark Matter

Run time: 7 minutes



jsrug08a.jpg (38179 bytes)

Garden of
Initial Conditions
Strain 0


Run time: 14 minutes



Garden of
Initial Conditions
Strain 2


Run time: 15-30 minutes


Run time: 7-10 minutes

Preliminary functional sketch

Generation 93

Run time: 60 minutes



Writing by Jamy Sheridan

What is your vision of a yet unknown art? for Anthology of Art [61K pdf]

The Evolving Role of the Artist for Generative Arts 2002 [1504K pdf]



Images and Installations © Jamy Sheridan
DNA music, Vango, KAM and ArtWonk software © John Dunn


